Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rainy Day Off

I am taking a blog day off. I also had the day off from work; The JCC is closed for Sukkot. I spent a good part of this rainy Thursday at home, except for a hair color, which I could not miss. For whatever reason, maybe the unrelenting mist and grey skies, I am at a loss for words tonight. As I think I mentioned the other day, I can't force it or neither of us will enjoy what I write. Tomorrow is another day, and with any luck Friday will bring with it something I want to talk about. I'm hoping that 2 months into my journey (today is 10 months from 50) I haven't run out of things I want to say, but something tells me that's not the case.  For the sake of my psyche I might not be able to do this every day for the duration, sometimes too much thinking can be a dangerous thing. I won't worry about a "writers block" just yet (if that even exists in a blog world); let's just take it one post at a time.
Stay tuned and stay with me, I think I just have a little case of the rainy day blues. Let's hope for sunny skies and inspiration tomorrow.

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