Monday, October 3, 2011

My Aching Head

I have a headache; the pounding in your eyeballs variety. I know it’s not a coffee headache because I had plenty of that this morning, and I slept fairly well last night, so it’s not a tired headache. Never had sinus issues, so can’t be that. I ate lunch (soup and toast), not hunger based. I guess that leaves the basic Monday, “I have a pressure-filled week ahead of me headache.” I would like to say I am going to take 3 Advil and get in bed, but that won’t happen any time soon. It’s 5:08 pm and I have to drive Andrew to Drivers Ed at 6, more than likely I’ll have to pick him up at 8 as well. I have a load of laundry in the washer and the dryer and a few more waiting in the wings. I am just beginning today’s blog (although maybe all this venting will help) and I broke a nail.

I can’t say that today was the worst Monday I ever had, in fact, nothing monumentally went wrong. It was just one of those days that never got off on the right foot. I actually got to work without too much hassle, dressed once (which is unusual for this time of year), and quickly accomplished a few of the pressing items on my to-do list. All of the sudden it’s lunchtime, the afternoon is looming, and I can’t concentrate on any single task, because they all seem too much to handle for a gloomy Monday. Emails that I sent in the morning had not yet been answered and no matter how many times I hit the refresh button, they did not arrive any faster. I took the path of least resistance and went home to work on a document that required a version of Microsoft word more updated than the 1997 edition on my office desk top. In the quiet of my home office I finished the project without interruption; no office small talk to distract me and the home phone almost never rings. Andrew was doing homework in his room and we both tapped away for hours on our respective keyboards. You would think that at 4:15 when I finally stood up to take the dog out and make a quick run to the post office, I would be content that I made it through the day with very few problems. But no, the banging hammer in my forehead indicated otherwise. I’m beginning to think that maybe I am suffering from the "let-down" effect of an exceptionally good weekend, which in contrast is making this Monday seem unusually bad. Maybe what I need, other than the 3 Advil, is to focus on all the positive things that happened today and all the good things coming in the days ahead. Let’s give that a try and see what happens.

· All the emails awaiting responses eventually arrived, some better than others, but I wasn’t left hanging.

· I happily discovered I did not gain any brisket or wedding weight from the last few days of overeating

· I found $5 in the pocket of the pants that I put on this morning

· I took the first step in an exciting new opportunity ahead at work (details in a future post)

· I arrived at work after they arrested the recently paroled sex offender loitering in the parking lot

· I got to the post office before they closed at 5 and had the correct address listed in my contacts

· My 13 year old golden retriever, Boola, did not pee on the floor today (unlike most other days)

· I made a few new Facebook friends, reaching I know.

· Jeffrey is working late (not a positive), but he is picking up Andrew at 8 (this is the good part)

· The above means that I did not have to cook dinner, Andrew ate leftovers before class

· Both of the above means that I could have frozen Yogurt for dinner, Robeks, a temporary substitute until Pinkberry opens.

· Which leads to the good news that Pinkberry is coming to the neighborhood, tart "swirly goodness” is in my future on a regular basis.

· Both out of town children called me just to “check-in” today

· The cool fall temperatures make my still broken air conditioning irrelevant

· I finally understand the new Facebook system; don’t like it, but adjusting.

· As of 7:20 pm, I have 5,754 hits to this Blog

· I did not miss the deadline to order my Break Fast food from The Crown

· My New York Break Fast guests are bringing “flat bagels”, somehow not made in Connecticut

· After this week I have two 3-day weeks in a row, observing Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret, obviously.

· One of those weeks I will hopefully be in the audience at The Chew, ABC (locally at 1 pm channel 231)

· Which means, I will be in the same room with Clinton Kelly for the 2nd time in my life

· At the same time I will be in the presence of Michael Symon, Mario Batali, Carla Hall and Daphne Oz

· And I will see a good friend, which is even more important

· Amanda Knox is finally free, that was a hell of a semester abroad.

· This quick-fire blog may get me in bed before 9 to spend some quality time with my DVR

· On that DVR are two episodes of Breaking Bad

· Real Housewives of Beverly Hills gets a new housewife tonight, Brandi.

Those were in no particular order of importance, just how they traveled from my brain to the page. I will say I feel a bit better; headache is just a faint rumble in the background. Tomorrow is Tuesday, which is almost always better than Monday. If my memory serves me correctly, October 4th is also the date I celebrated my Bat Mitzvah in 1975, thus I have been a Jewish woman for the last 36 years. At the time I had braces, was flat-chested, had not yet mastered my frizzy hair, and bought my dress in the 7 -14 department at Saks. Obviously, I have plenty to be thankful for tomorrow. Thanks for bearing with me through this little breakdown, and for working with me on the relaxed format of tonight’s entry (have to switch it up every now and then). It’s now 7:31 pm, with a quick edit or two; I will stay on schedule and put this headache of a day, to bed.

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